Published By Classical School Solutions
“One more thing is of vital importance; children must have books, living books. The best is not too good for them; anything less than the best is not good enough."
-Charlotte Mason
Living books are those that come alive and engage the reader. They are usually written in a narrative form and appeal to readers both young and old. What if you want to give your children the best living books but don't have the time or money to build a vast collection? Are you new to homeschooling? Are you an old pro at homeschooling but can't or don't want to commit to all the planning? Classical School Solutions guided learning packets make homeschool planning easy. Our guided learning packets include instruction in the areas of Grammar, History, Science, Literature, and Penmanship. Click the button below to view a sample packet or check out an overview of content covered in each grade below.
Visit each grade page below to see an overview and sample packet.

Each student downloads a packet with instructions and work assignments from their google classroom. This guided learning packet provides paced lessons for grades K-6. We recommend that parents purchase the Math curriculum of their choice. Links for the literature books are provided and when available copies of the readings may be found in your classroom. Whenever possible, audiobook links are included in your packet with the reading material.